Jsme nejstarší český výrobce leštících kotoučů. Od roku 1993.

GDPR - personal data safety


I.Basic conclusion

Administrator of personal informations accept an article 4.point7 of European parlament and commision statue (EU) 2016/679 about personal data safety. Hereinafter as “GDPR” Is Brolle v.o.s. CZ 46991417, adress: Zakřany 119, Zastávka u Brna, 66484, Czech republic-hereinafter as:”administrator.


2. Main contact for administrator:

Adress: Zakřany 199, Zastávka u Brna, 66484

Email: brolle@brolle.cz

Phone: 739457257

3. Personal data are understanding all informations about identification person in all versions.

4. There is only one administrator - your data are safe.


II. Sources and categories saving personal data

1. Administrator proccesing personal data, which you gave him in yours order.

2. Administrator need yours personal data neccesary for fullfil contract.


III. Law-valid reason and target for proccesin personal data

1. Law valid reason is:

  • Fullfil contract betwee article 6. section 1, letterb) GDPR
  • straight marketing-sending newsletter and bussines informations Under. article 6. section 1, letterf) GDPR,
  • Yours agreement with proccesing personal data under article 6. section 1, letter a) GDPR

 2. Target for proccesing personal data is: 

  • Without yours personal data isn’t possible finish yours order sucessfull
  • zasílání obchodních sdělení a činění dalších marketingových aktivit.

 3. You agree in sense article. 22 GDPR

IV. Time for saving yours personal data

1. Administrator save yours personal data:

  • For time neccesary to produce yours goods and for fullfil conditions of tax laws (max15years) from finish partnership.
  • For time until agreement will be canceled.


 2. After this time administrator delete yours data.

V. Intakers of personal data (delivery, personal of company)

1. Intakers of personal data are persons who: 

  • Take care about delivery/ bank payment.
  • Take care about this eshop,
  • Take care about marketing.

 2. Administrator don’t want gives personal data for another using. 

VI. Yours possibilities

1. By consequnces of GDPR you can:

  • See yours personal data by article 15 GDPR
  • Repair yours data by article 16 GDPR
  • Delete yours data if you didn’t make order anytime.
  • Give a question in sense of article21 GDPR 
  • Overwrite data by article 20 GDPR.
  • Cancele yours agreement by e-mail or letter by article III


VII. Rules of saving yours data

1. Administrator accept all technical proceses To hold yours data safe

2. Administrator use technical proceses to protect data

3. Administrator promise that personal data can see only Responsible emolploys.

VIII. Finishing conclusion

1. Send yours order mean that you have read and accept whole trading conditions

2. You agree with this conditions In moment when you click on agree button of order script

3. Administrator is able for change this conditions and send new version to yours e-mail.


This conditions are valid since 1.9.2020.